合氣会 香港 佑武舘
Step into the new world.
Our Dojo Yubukan
私たちの道場 佑武舘
Aikikai Hong Kong Yubukan (formerly known as Aikido Doyukai Hong Kong) is dedicated to the practice of Aikido in Hong Kong. We were established with the premise of providing quality instruction for practicing and developing Aikido under the teachings of Morihei Ueshiba, the Founder and the Aikikai Foundation, Aikido World Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan.
合氣會 香港 佑武舘(前稱合氣道 道友會 香港)旨在傳播日本合氣道的傳統文化。 它的成立目的是通過講師的高質量培訓來傳承創始人植芝盛平的教義和合氣會植芝守央道主的教義。
合氣会 香港 佑武舘 (旧名 合氣道道友会 香港)は、日本の伝統文化である合気道を広く伝えることを目的としています。 植芝盛平開祖の教え、そして、(公財) 合気会 植芝守央道主の教えを、指導者を通しての質の高い稽古を通して伝承することを目的に設立されました。
Classes and Due
Ready to start?
Aikido / 合氣道
Aikido is a traditional Japanese form of self-defense established by founder Morihei Ueshiba, also known as O Sensei. The art draws on the rich heritage of Japan’s fighting arts. It is an unique Budo (the Way of the Samurai) that trains the body, spirit and soul.
Dues / 月謝 会費
Registration Enrollment fee (入門登録): HK$200 (first time / 入門時)
Annual Membership fee(年会費): HK$ 200 (HK $ 100 enrollment after July)
Monthly Membership Dues (月謝)
Adults(成人) – HK$600
Students(学生) – HK$500 (see note 2&3)
Children/Young Adults over 10 to below 14 (14歳以下) – HK$500
The first monthly fee is exempted at the time of admission.
Grading, Venue, Diary
Grading / 昇級昇段考試
Aikikai Hong Kong Yubukan follows the Aikikai Grading System as set out by Hombu Dojo, Aikikai Foundation, Aikido World Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan.
The examination is conducted every six months. (April, October)
永井師範受合氣會本部道場委託進行考核。 因此,通過永井師範在香港的考試可能在合氣會上段位昇段。
Sensei's diary / 稽古日誌
What happened today? Would like to get a download of our lessons?
Nagai Sensei has been summarizing his lessons for his students in the past years in the form of a Diary. Take a look at Sensei’s Diary and enjoy!
今日は何を稽古しましたか? 稽古の内容を思い返して見ましょう。
News / ニュース
日本武道巡礼 2023
15, October, 2023.
The Japan Martial Arts Pilgrimage was successfully held again this year.
於 美孚 饒宗頤文化館 / At Jao Tsung-I Academy, Fei Fu
Return to public sports centers
1, August, 2023.
From August, Yubukan training will return to public sports centers. In principle, we plan to use Pei Ho Street Sports Center in Shan Shui Po for training on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, and Kwun Chung Sports Center in Jordan for training on Thursdays.
從8月起,佑武舘訓練將重返公共體育中心。 原則上,我們計劃每週一、週三、週六使用深水步北河街街體育館進行訓練,週四在佐敦官湧體育館進行訓練。
Dissolution of the relationship
27, July, 2023.
Yubukan's trainig at Mitsunarijuku Studio officially ended on July 27th, 2023.
With this, I would like to inform you that our relationship with Mitsunarijuku has been liquidated and that I and we will no longer have any relationship with them.
3, May, 2023.
古くからの友人、上海西郊合気道のUlrich Mierswa先生の訪問があり、水曜の稽古で共に稽古しました。
Our nice friend, Ulrich Mierswa sensei, Shanghai Xijiao Aikido visit us and join to our Wednesday training session.
Really had a nice time together.
After the impact of Covid19, it was a reunion for the first time in three years.
新道場開設 / New dojo open
22, April, 2023.
We opened a new dojo.
場所は、尖沙坥のグランビルロード 59 の1階です。
The location is the 1st floor of 59 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui.
尖沙坥 加連威老道 59 一楼
Hope that new disciples will grow from here.
台湾合氣会 台北道場訪問 / Taiwan Aikikai Taipei dojo visit
16, April, 2023
台北市中山に在る台湾合氣会 台北道場を訪問、共に稽古をして来ました。
We visited the Taiwan Aikikai Taipei Dojo in Zhongshan, Taipei City, and practiced together.
合気会本部道場 伊藤眞師範 台北講習会
Makoto Ito Shihan, Aikikai HQ Taipei Seminar
15, 16, April, 2023.
4月15,16日の両日に渡り台北市の剣譚青年活動中心で開催された合気会本部道場 伊藤眞師範の講習会へ参加して来ました。
On April 15th and 16th, We participated in the seminer given by Makoto Ito Shihan of the Aikikai Hombu Dojo held at the Kentan Youth Activity Center in Taipei City.
More than 200 people from inside and outside Taiwan participated in the seminar, and the two days were fruitful.
道場移転計画 / Dojo Relocation
1, April, 2023.
The relocation plan to the new dojo is underway.
Yesterday, the members of the dojo did a grand cleaning works.
A dojo in downtown Tsim Sha Tsui will soon be operational.
山田嘉光師範 ご逝去
25, January, 2023.
ニューヨーク合気会 山田嘉光師範、1月15日ご逝去されました。
New York Aikikai Shihan Yoshimitsu Yamada passed away on January 15th.
He was a teacher who gave a lot of kindness and thoughtfulness.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the kindness, guidance, and kindness that I have received.
I would like to express my deepest condolences.
Card from Doshu
22, January, 2023.
植芝守央 合氣道道主よりのカード、今年も拝受いたしました。
Card from Moriteru Ueshiba Aikido Doshu, I have received this year as well.
The cards he give me every year have always given me courage and encouragement.
Sad things continue after New year, and the flames of feelings that have weakened will rise again.
Thank you for all Mitsunarijuku
18, January, 2023.
With the practice on January 18, 2023, the practice at Mitsunari Juku has ended.
Thank you very much for your kindness from bootom of our heart.
2023 稽古始め - New Year Celebration -
2, January, 2023.
We celebrated the startinging of training in 2023 and the New Year at the dojo.
Christmas dinner at the dojo
24, December, 2022.
12月24日 土曜日、2セッションの稽古の後、クリスマス ディナーを道場で楽しみました。
On Saturday, 24, December, after two sessions of practice, we enjoyed Christmas dinner at the dojo.
日本武道巡礼 2022 開催
20, November, 2022.
日本武道巡礼 2022は、在日本総領事館 広報文化部長 西野幸龍 領事ご臨席の下、成功裏に開催されました。
The Japan Martial Arts Pilgrimage 2022 was successfully held in the presence of Mr. Kotatsu Nishino, Director of Public Relations and Culture, Consulate-General of Japan in Japan.
日本武道巡禮 2022
20, November, 2022.
地點:美孚 饒宗頤文化館演講廳
2022年 演武会
29, October, 2022.
2022年 演武会は成功裏に開催されました。
The 2022 Demonstration was successfully held.
Graging Exam at 2nd half year of 2022.
22, October, 2022.
The Grading examination for the second semester was held on October 22nd.
Congratulations to all of you who have been promoted.
合氣會 香港 佑武舘 2022年 演武会
4, October, 2022.
We'll held our Enbukai on 29, October, 2022.
Venue: Yubukan Mitsunarijuku.
Room D, 1/F, Jolly Garden, 151 Reclamation Street, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon.
Time: 13:00 - 15:00
戸山流 居合抜刀道
28, July, 2022.
We are practicing Toyama-ryu Battodo on Thursday.
There are many things in common with Aikido's physiquethe, such as the way to build the core of body, got a move from the center of body, take a timing of origin by opponent.
Participation only in Toyamaryu sword method is also available.
4, July, 2022.
「学びて時に之(これ)を習ふ、亦(また)説(よろこ)ばしからずや。 朋(とも)有り遠方より来る、亦楽しからずや。 人知らずして慍(いきどほ)らず、亦君子ならずや」
Grading exam at 1st half year of 2022.
4, June, 2022.
Congratulations for all of who pass the grading exam in this time.
Training schedule and location changes
22, May, 2022.
Due to the Hong Kong Government's Vaccine Pass regulations, our training at public sports centers will be suspended from June, and training every Monday will be held at Mitsunariuku from 7pm to 9pm as usual week day training time.
Sunday lessons will be suspended for the time being.
Training schedules from June, 2022 on.
Monday, Wednesday : Yubukan Mitsunarijuku 7pm-9pm
Saturday :Yubukan Mitsunarijuku 12nn-2pm, Weapons class 3:30pm-5:30pm
Thursday Toyamaryu : Yubukan Mitsunarijuku 7pm-9pm
Resuming training
22, April, 2022.
Training will resume on Saturday, April 23rd.
A new calligraphy also on the wall in the dojo.
Temporary closure due to new virus
7, January, 2022.
Due to government regulations, the dojo will be closed for 20 days from January 7th.
I hope it will resume on the 21st.
2022年 佑武舘 三成塾 稽古始め
2022 Yubukan Mitsunarijuku Keiko Hajime
5, January, 2022.
2022 Yubukan Mitsunarijuku Keiko hajime
2022年 稽古始め - Keiko Hajime -
2, January, 2022.
2022 Keiko hajime at Island East Sports Center.
2021年 稽古納め - Keiko Osame -
29, December, 2021.
Keiko Osame 2021 at Yubukan Mitsunarijuku.
Luffy made our dojo bags
22, December, 2021
Luffy made our dojo bags.
Provide for members.
日本武道巡礼 2021
5, December, 2021.
Join and performed at Japan Budo pilgrimage 2021 at Jao Tsung-I Academy, Mei Foo, Kowloon.
合氣會 香港 佑武舘 演武会 / Aikikai Hong Kong Yubukan Enbukai
16, October, 2021.
佑武舘 2021年 演武会が10月16日、成功裏に開催されました。
Yubukan 2021 Demonstration was successfully held.
The demonstration was held as an official event of the Japan Autumn Festival organized by the Consul General of Japan.
合氣會 香港 佑武舘 演武会 / Aikikai Hong Kong Yubukan Enbukai
16, October, 2021
佑武舘 三成塾 Room-D,1/F, Jolly Garden, 151 Reclamation Street, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon.
Aikido performance open to show the public.
「日本秋祭り」"Japan Autumn Festival"
23, September, 2021.
We were honored to perform at the press conference held at the event "Japan Autumn Festival" sponsored by the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong.
Consul General Kenichi Okada (Ambassador) and President Mari Takada were in attendance, and the performance was on behalf of Japanese culture and martial arts.
I would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the consulates for their cooperation, and to the members who participated in the performance in this time.
戸山流 居合 抜刀道 Started
1, April, 2021.
Toyamaryu Iai Battodo class was resumed at Mitsunarijuku from April.
戸山流 居合抜刀道 at 佑武舘 三成塾
18, March, 2021.
We'll restart Toyamaryu Iai battodo training at Yubukan Mitsunarijuku every Thursday from April, 2021 on.
Saturday session at 佑武舘 三成塾
6, March, 2021.
Saturday training session at Yubukan Mitsunarijuku started 6, March, 2021. on.
佑武舘 -三成塾 - Open
24, February, 2021.
Yubukan - Mitsunarijuku- has opened.
From now on, we will practice every Wednesday here.
We will also practice on Saturdays here from March.
Resume our training
20, February, 2021.
After two and a half months of closure, our dojo has reopened.
Yubukan - Mitsunari juku -
6, February, 2021.
Unfortunately, due to COVID 19 regulations, the start of training at Mitsunari juku from February has been postponed.
Today, after Saturday's weapons training, we visited there with a few members.
All preparations are complete and we can start practicing at any time after the regulation is lifted.
Our Yubukan card is also posted.
Start Wednesday class at Mitsunarijyuku
30, January, 2021.
Pleased to inform that Aikikai Hong Kong Yubukan will start Wednesday training class at Mitsunarijuku, Yaumatei, from February, 2021. on.
合気会 香港 佑武舘は、2021年 2月より、水曜日の稽古を油麻地に所在する三成塾で行うことを告知いたします。
Yubukan - Mitsunarijuku -
Room D, 1/F, Jolly Garden, 151 Reclamation Street, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon.
Honorable invitation from the Consul General
26, January, 2021.
Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong Ambassador Wada invited us to the Consul General's official residence and was honored to have lunch.
在香港日本国総領事館 和田大使 総領事閣下より、総領事公邸へ招かれ、昼食をいただくという光栄を賜りました。
Enjoyed talk about Aikido, the country where I lived, Japanese martial arts "Budo", great food and conversation.
Great honor from Aikido Doshu
21, January, 2021.
Honored to receive this year as well.
It is a great honor for me for more than 20 years.
Happy New Year!
1, January, 2021.
日本武道巡礼 - Nihon Budo Pilgrimage -
6, December, 2020.
Joined Nihon Budo Junrei at Jao Tsung-I Academy, Mei Foo, Kowloon.
Performed with Toyamaryu Iaido, Kyudo, Katatedo and Shamisen performance.
Appreciate for great organize by Sengatsudo (千月堂), Toyamaryu Iaido organization.
Grading Exam 2nd half year of 2020 - Day 2 -
22, November, 2020.
Congratulations for all of who pass the grading exam on 2nd day.
Grading Exam 2nd half year of 2020.
21, November, 2020.
Congratulations for all of who pass the grading exam on 1st day.
8, November, 2020.
We'll join to the event "Japanese Martial arts pilgrimage at Jao Tsung-I Academy, Lai Chi Kok on Sunday, 6, December, 2020.
- Performance time : 12:00 - 13:00 -
Grading exam at 2nd half year of 2020.
8, November, 2020.
We'll held our grading examination at 2nd half year of 2020 an 21 and 22, November, 2020.
日本秋祭り - Nippon Akimatsuri -
1, October, 2020.
Join to Japanese culture event, "Nippon Aikimatsuri" organized by Consulate General of Japan in Hongkong.
We will open our training to the public.
Please, feel free come to watch our training.
- The time changed to 5pm to 7pm at both of the sessions. -
Our training has returned to normal.
19, September, 2020.
From Saturday training, 19, September, on our training returned to normal schedules.
Our training return to normal
27, June, 2020.
Saturday training at Sham Shui Po.
Our training return to normal condition.
Could back to normal
20, June, 2020.
Finally, we could back to normal condition.
Anyone can join as freely.
Resume Day 2
23, May, 2020.
Resume 2nd day training at Pei Ho Street Sports Center.
Still under 8 persons in a room regulation.
Restart the training.
22, May, 2020.
Finally, Restart the training session.
We restarted training session from Extra Friday session.
Only 8 persons can use a room by the regulation for Covid19.
We'll restart
May, 21, 2020.
We'll restart training from Extra Friday session 22, May.
5月22日のエキストラ クラスから稽古を再開します。
Back to normal schedules from Saturday, 23, May.
April, 20, 2020.
「年の功で、奥深いものが出せるようになる、自分のモノ、誰それのコピーではなく。 自分のスタイル、信念でやれるようになる。」
“With the help of years, I’ll be able to do something profound, my own, nobody’s a copy of it.I’ll be able to do it with my own style and conviction.”
My thoughts, my form, my style.
Must be the next 10 years will be the most fun and interesting time.
Keiko under the sky
18, Feb, 2020.
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Aikikai Hong Kong Yubukan Contact
Message from you
Want to try? Any inquiry? Feel free contact with us.