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Grading / 昇級昇段審査

Aikikai Hong Kong Yubukan follows the Aikikai Grading System as set out by Hombu Dojo, Aikikai Foundation, Aikido World Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan.


審査の規定は、(公財)合気会 合気道本部道場の審査規定、項目に従っています。

Nagai Sensei has been entrusted with the examination by the Aikikai Hombu Dojo. Therefore, it is possible to be promoted in Aikikai through the examination by Nagai Sensei in Hong Kong.

永井師範受合氣會本部道場委託進行考核。 因此,通過永井師範在香港的考試可能在合氣會上段位昇段。


Grading exam at each half year.
(April, October)

Grading: コース
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